Births June 1982

Dates of birth sometimes do not include all the details and may show dates like “About 1900”. If WinBMD has an error message, please ensure you are using the latest version of WinBMD  (8.2 at the present time.) This group of scans need to be transcribed such that the filename is in the WinBMD filename format. This means that the transcription needs to take place using either WinBMD  or MacBMD.

If there are some identical entries, just transcribe them all in the usual way.

Please ensure that you select the formatting options: Surnames, Forenames and Districts as upper case. The date of birth entries can be entered in upper case with no difficulty.
An example of the filename is 1982B2A0001.BMD.

How to deal with entries that have a hand written addition

If the original field is not crossed out, transcribe the line twice, once with the original field value and once with the added amendment. After the first entry add a comment:

#COMMENT(2) original <fieldname> of <orginalvalue> had a handwritten added amendment of <newvalue> where <fieldname> is the name of the field (surname, page number, etc.), <originalvalue> is the original value of the field and <newvalue> is the original value plus the added amendment. (This form of comment causes the comment to be attached to both entries.)

An example of a single amended field might be:

Davies,Sian Louise,Davies,Pontypridd,27,1276

#COMMENT(2) original page number of 1276 had a handwritten added amendment of /C4239

Davies,Sian Louise,Davies,Pontypridd,27,1276/C4239

where /C4239 is the added amendment.

If you have a query, please contact me before you start.

Updated on 2nd March 20018
First Created on 3rd February 20018
Copyright © 2001-20018, B.M.Smart

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